Analysis of the Economic-Cum-Purpose Classification of Tamil Nadu State Budget is done every year. Similarly analysis and preparation of the Economic-Cum-Purpose Classification tables annually on the items of receipts and expenditure of the local bodies. in the State (viz. Municipal Corporation, Municipalities, Town Panchayats and Panchayat Unions) based on the annual audited accounts of the Local Bodies is also done. The Economic cum Purpose Classification of the Budget & Local Body Accounts of the Government play a crucial role in the estimation of Gross State Domestic Product and Capital Asset Formation.
The Economic cum Purpose Classification of 2017-18 (Accounts), 2018-19 (RE), 2019-20 (BE), Tamil Nadu Budget have been analysed.
The Economic cum Purpose Classification of the Local Bodies Accounts viz., Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Panchayat Unions and Town Panchayats in the State for the year 2018-19 is under progress.